Pinterest Marketing tips to help drive traffic to your online business website

If you are among the many online business coaches, online course creators, content creators or product based business owners, you may experience frustration at times trying to drive traffic to your offers.
Using the typical social media platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube can sometimes feel like a hamster wheel. Those platforms are great but there is one strategy that you are missing; Pinterest. There is no 'exact recipe' for how to succeed on Pinterest, but there are certain best practices that will immensely help with your goal of driving more traffic to your business.
I am sharing my strategy that helps me get nearly 20,000 views on my website each month. These are time-tested tactics that will absolutely help you when it comes to getting more eyes on your offers, products and programs in the online business world.
Before you continue, I will be completely transparent in telling you that using Pinterest is like investing in stocks. It takes time. You won't see immediate gratification the way you do with social media. However, if you implement these strategies frequently and consistently - you won't regret it!
The Pinterest Strategy to drive traffic to your Online Business
Build out 4-5 relevant boards
Before you start creating and posting your own content to Pinterest, make sure that you create Pinterest Boards that are relevant to what you offer/ sell. This is going to teach the Pinterest algorithm what you stand for, what you represent and who you should be attracting.
For example; if you are a weight loss coach selling a weight loss program, you might have boards with these topics:
- Meal prep ideas
- Grocery shopping lists for weight loss
- Mindset tips for weight loss
- Recipes that are effortless and healthy
- Fitness at-home
All five of those boards are relevant for a weight loss coach and would be helpful to an ideal client that desires to lose weight.
If you are just getting started on Pinterest, don't worry about quantity of boards. Focus your efforts on streamlining the topics and ensuring they are relevant to what you offer.
Create intriguing pins (images)
Let's keep this as simple as possible because let's face it, we are not graphic designers. I actually find "creating pins" to be very therapeutic and fun thanks to Canva. I use Canva and their Pinterest Pin templates for every single pin that I create. I really don't know what I would do without it... I probably wouldn't even be here.
There is one thing to remember when thinking about your Pinterest Pins - Pinterest loves NEW images. Depending on your schedule, your life and how quickly you want your marketing strategy to grow with Pinterest, will determine how many new images you need each week.
When I started, I took my Pinterest views from 2k to 17k in one month by creating new Pins each week. I aim for 3 new Pins each day and I schedule them out (which takes me less than one hour each weekend).
I know a lot of successful Pinterest Marketers that only aim for 1-3 NEW images each month. It all depends on your goals!
I always want to create intriguing and must-click images and I do have a specific method that I follow to ensure success. From font type, color type and images - you can get into a good groove when it comes to creating new Pins for your Pinterest marketing strategy.
Schedule your Pinterest dedication
Pinterest is not like a one-night-stand type of platform. Pinterest is committed, long-term and serious. Therefore, you can't just "wing" it here... I saw the most success when I started blocking my calendar and showing up to pour into my Pinterest Marketing strategy. I gave it the time it deserved, and it gave me a huge return.
My go-to method is simply using Pinterest's scheduler within their platform. But I also double down and will use Tailwind to help schedule my Pins.
Tailwind is a third part platform that communicates with Pinterest to help you grow your account. There is even a place within Tailwind called "communities" where you can support other Pinterest Marketers and they can support you by pinning your pins to their boards! It's brilliant actually. In just ONE of the communities I joined, I was able to generate 19k impressions in ONE WEEK!
Anyway, to upload your pins into Tailwind for scheduling, simply download your Pin images to your computer. Then, you will go to your "drafts" on the far left of the screen and click "upload". Select all of the downloaded images (select more than 1 at a time by holding down "shift" and clicking on each image). You can also drag and drop the images instead of clicking upload. Now, you are ready to schedule!
Related post: creating an online business when you don't have time
Keywords and Key Phrases Matter!
From everything that you type in your "blog posts" or "sales pages" to the way you title your posts, the text on your images and the description of your pins... it all really matters. This is where we get very particular about the Pinterest strategy to make SURE that it works for us.
If you are using Tailwind to schedule your post, you can add your URL (destination desired from Pin), your description and titles to each post. It's important to switch up your titles and descriptions versus using the same every single time you post. This helps with variety amongst the Pinterest Algorithm but you might also speak to different people depending on how you word your marketing.
Remember, you are also pinning these pins to specific boards that ALSO have keywords and key phrases as their titles and descriptions. In other words, you are going to become GANGSTA at implementing search engine optimization across your Pinterest Profile by the end!
Rinse, Wash and Repeat
Once you get the hang of everything outline above in the Pinterest Marketing Strategy, you just keep on keepin' on! You rinse, wash and repeat the entire method as you continue to grow your online business.
If you stay true to this process for 2-3 months, you won't believe the amount of new leads coming into your business, WITH EASE!
I am using my Pinterest Marketing strategy to get us to $10k revenue months consistently in online business. I am doing all of this while still working a full-time corporate job, which goes to show that if you come across a strategy that will set you up for time freedom AND financial freedom, then you'd be crazy to pass it up!