When it comes to missing out on creating an online business, the most common reason I hear is, "I don't have the time".
Truthfully, the time we have can be a major hurdle. Even as I sit here typing this, I have a million other things to be done and my time is limited. BUT, I have built my business while still working a full-time job and many other life events such as; planning a wedding, moving into my first house, etc. However, I still did it, and I know you can too.
I have contemplated many times during this entrepreneurial journey "is this really a priority?" or "if it were so important, why would I show up to it like a real business?"
I heard this quote, "if you prioritize everything, then you prioritize nothing" and that made me think I need to prioritize one thing (my business) and sacrifice the rest... YUCK.
I refused to give in to that. I refused to suffer in relationships, in hobbies, in happiness, all while I create my business.
I refused to believe that in order to "go all-in" that I needed to just UP AND QUIT my 9-5 to ensure my business was the real priority. Silly, silly, silly.

In this post, I am going to show you how to work around the thought that you can't create a business because you THINK you don't have enough time. I will discuss the following methods;
- The way you think matters
- How to bless and release the overwhelm
- Figuring it all out by moving through
- Understanding where to sacrifice
- How to treat this as a real business before it's a real business
- How to enjoy the ride
Let me help you understand that YOU CAN create a business even if you think you don't have the time.
This is exactly what I would coach you to do (coming from personal experience):
You have to make a decision. Simple as that, but also it's not as simple as that. Being decisive about these things CAN BE as simple as choosing between ketchup and mustard. For some reason, we make it harder than that. You don't wait to put the ketchup on the hot dog... you just do it. That is how you can approach this business thing. You don't wait, you just DO. Make a decision that thinking "I don't have time" really doesn't serve you. Let that thought leave your mind.
Want the truth? There is a lot to be done when creating your own online business. Like, A LOT. Just like a staircase, you don't jump up to the top and skip all the steps in between. You take it step by step, and eventually you keep climbing. What would happen if you DECIDED to take 1-2 steps per day? That's all it takes. Small efforts overtime will lead to a massive breakthrough (make that an affirmation, would ya).
No, I don't mean to keep watching those you envy and take notes... I don't mean to watch more youtube videos and indulge in various strategies. YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY TAKE ACTION AT SOME POINT. I saw this post on Instagram recently that said "If you want to build something extraordinary, you have to be willing to build something shitty first" oooooooof! If you never enter the beginner phase, then how on earth will you ever get to expert phase?
Hate to break it to ya since I already said in the beginning of this post that I am not down for sacrifice... but sacrifice is actually required. Not in the ways you think though. I bet you could easily create a business if you shortened your time with the couch and Netflix. I bet you could easily create a business if you shortened your time going out to eat and instead meal prepped. I bet you could easily create a business if you DECIDED (there's that word again) to wake up 1 hour earlier than normal and get the 1-2 steps done that need to be done. Sacrifice is part of the journey, my friend.
Hopefully you use a calendar of some sort - if not, let this be your sign. I remember I was listening to a Jessie Lee (RIP) podcast and she said "show me your calendar and I will be able to tell you how much money you will make". She wasn't insinuating that your calendar should be booked to the brim, but her message was that successful people SCHEDULE stuff. PENCIL IT IN when you plan to work your business. It's not a "oh, this feels like a good day and time to show up..." it's more of "I know that every Sunday from 12-2pm that I am doing XYZ for my business. It's scheduled, my family knows and it's what I do."
Here's the thing, you want what you want and you want it now. Duh, join the club. IT NEVER HAPPENS OVERNIGHT, SIS. So, let go of NEEDING it now and using your energy to feel desperate, using your energy JUST to disappoint yourself. Can you discipline yourself enough to remain present, celebrate the small wins and ENJOY what you GET to do? It's like, what kind of person are you; the person who gets in the car, turns up the music, rolls the windows down and enjoys the ride? OR are you the kind of person that gets in the car, slugs around, yells at other drivers and complains about the length of the trip? It's all a metaphor.
Nobody really "has all the time in the world" ya know? But some people just make it work. They give no leeway for excuses, for doubt and no room for missing their opportunity.
Use these tips to fuel you and revisit this post as many times as you need to check yourself.