Want to increase your Instagram engagement to help your revenue ALSO increase?
When it comes to Instagram, the inexperienced entrepreneur is after more followers. The entrepreneur that gets it, gets it. Engagement is the key. It's the number one thing we should be focused on when it comes to Instagram.
Whether the algorithm switches up on us or not, engagement will always pull you through and keep your Instagram alive and relevant.
So, if you want to increase your business growth and you want to do that through increasing your Instagram engagement, here are 5 ways you can do just that.

1. Consistency
First and foremost, if you are not consistent, you will have trouble with your social media growth. Consistency looks different for everyone. Maybe you are not able or willing to post daily to your feed. Still, create a schedule of 3 reels per week or 1 reel every other day. Consistency will always help your place in the Instagram algorithm. More importantly, you help your audience learn your reliability.
2. Captions with Calls to Action
Keep your value in your caption. Use a juicy hook with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to get people to READ the caption. Inside the caption you can give tips/tricks, advice, story-tell, etc. Don't forget to add a "call to action" at the end of your caption to teach your audience how to engage with your post. (ie. save this post to revisit for later, like this post if you resonate, tag a friend who needs to read this, comment "yes" if you agree, share this to your story and tag me so I can celebrate you, etc)
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3. Think "Shareable" Content
You know the videos that you constantly DM your best friend? We want to make THAT kind of content. Majority of the time that means creating content that is RELATABLE, but it could also mean funny content, educational content, eye-opening content, and more.
4. Daily Interactive Stories
I love this one because it seems so simple. There are many different ways of incorporating interactive stories and you will absolutely notice a growth in story views once you consistently implement these. You can use question boxes, polls, the sliding thing (nobody knows the name of this), etc
Get creative with your use of interaction. For example, don't always post a "ask me a question" and instead help your audience know what to ask. What I mean is, "ask me a question about my skincare routine" if you are in the skincare/beauty niche. Be specific with letting your audience know how to engage with you.
5. Give the People What they Want
Your audience will start to tell you what content is most valuable to them. You will start to get frequent DMs asking specific questions and requests. It won't look exactly like "Please post more of _____ to your instagram" but it may look like "can you share the link to that face wash you mentioned the other day?" and this is a trigger for you to post more about skincare products, include the links and help your audience get the "in" on the best skincare products.
Lastly, the amount of followers will not equate to cash for your business unless you actively nurture your followers and engage with them. This is why having more followers doesn't always make sense and if you get into the vicious cycle of wanting more and more followers, you will only exhaust yourself. Having a smaller community with high engagement and interaction is much more beneficial.
Start implementing these 5 tips and watch your Instagram engagement grow like crazy!