If you are anything like me, when you hear the word "manifestation" you might automatically think "that's just a hope strategy... I don't feel guaranteed anything and it is highly unlikely that 'manifesting' will work for me anyway"
If you do this ONE thing, you can release your doubt on manifestation and effortlessly welcome in all of your dreams and desires
I'll bet you've heard of the "Law of Attraction" before, but have you heard of the "Law of Assumption"? Let me define them both for you, in case you are completely lost...
- Law of Attraction: using energetics to call in/ ask for a specific outcome or desire (more money, promotion, soulmate, etc)
- Law of Assumption: assuming it's already yours (acting as if it has already come to fruition, even though it hasn't yet, trusting that it's certainly on its way to you)
The ONE thing you can do to release DOUBT in manifestation is to combine the 2 laws.

If you were able to combine both the Law of Attraction AND the Law of Assumption, you could quite literally have everything you ever wanted.
Ok, pause - How does that feel? How do you feel reading what I just typed ^ up there? Are you already DOUBTING that you could have it all?
What if I told you THIS too - you also won't have to work any harder or sacrifice ANYTHING to have it all.
How does THAT one feel?
Maybe your mind doesn't believe it to be true.
If that's the case, then let's create a new perspective and a new belief.
If you want to be able to manifest quite literally anything - you will need an open mind and most importantly, an open heart while reading the rest of this page.
With this new perspective, you will act, behave and think differently.
Let's discuss "existence". If you were to stop what you are doing and intentionally look around you in your space... could you list off 2-3 things that are near you? For example, I am in my office and I can see my desk, my laptop, my cup of water, my notebook, my phone...
When it comes to those things that exist around you, you may think they are not "one" with you because that is how you VISUALIZE them.
This thought couples with the consistent theory of having to TRY really hard to get something or the fact that you THINK you are only able to create or make X amount if you did a certain number of things.
It is a limiting belief to rely on your eyes alone.
Guess what? You can create more by thought and energy alone than you can by action. Your thoughts, your emotion and your energy are insanely powerful.
Friendly reminder; suspend your belief. At least until you finish reading here.
No matter what your faith is in, we have scientific proof that there are 2 worlds. The world that we can SEE and the world that we CANNOT SEE.
Inside of the seen world, you can hear, touch, taste, see, and smell.
Inside of the unseen world, we cannot hear, touch, taste, see or smell... which is why some of us ignore it completely. It only exists as an energy.
Inside of the unseen world - everything is connected by this "energy".
There is no separation between your money and you, your goals and you, your family members and you.
As Taylor Swift would say, it's like an invisible string.
Isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was an invisible string tying me to you. #weloveyoutaylor
Ok, maybe I lost you on the Taylor thing so let me tap back into my science-y brain to help you better understand.
If you were to get to the most basic form of ANYTHING, it would exist as a conglomerate of atoms.
Atoms then move on to make up molecules... thus, atoms and molecules are the makeup of quite literally everything.
The atoms and molecules are always in motion. We call this motion, "vibration".
Ok, so the vibration of the atoms and the molecules, and the speed at which they vibrate, is referred to as "frequency".
Honestly, my college chemistry & physics professor would be astonished by me right now... but I digress...
As humans, we are made up of atoms and molecules which become our "cells" and we exist thanks to our cells.
We also all have a "frequency" which is determined by the things we cannot SEE - thoughts, feelings and emotions.
The higher our frequency - the more we can OWN The Law of Attraction to obtain everything we want and more.
Imagine a radio station for a minute, when you can't find a channel with a good song, or you keep getting radio fuzz and can't locate a channel at all... that would metaphorically represent you embodying a low frequency (depression, doubt, anger, etc).
When you consistently find channels with songs you love, you can turn them up and enjoy them... that is in comparison to vibrating at a high frequency (happiness, gratitude, enlightenment, etc)
Ok enough science... let me just reiterate one thing - everything you want already exists; the wealth, the job, the soulmate, the mansion, the yacht, etc.
It just isn't in your material world YET. Simply because you aren't in alignment with the frequency to receive.
When you think you want something, the desire is born - it's important to understand that the desire exists twice. It exists first in the unseen world and then it exists in the seen world.
As humans, we try to operate backwards. Instead of trusting that it already exists, if we don't have it RIGHT NOW, we start to doubt that it could ever be ours. The doubt is lowering your frequency, babe. It's slowing down your process of getting the gold.
Ask yourself this - what is ONE thing you want? is it 10k months, a new car, a good man, a new couch?
Ok, now you've thought about what you want and the moment you though it, it became existant in the energetic world/ unseen world.
It is there and it is already here.
We just need to have fun while it materializes.
No more of these thoughts; how will it get here? is it here yet? how could it ever get here? how much longer until it's here?
For example; you wouldn't plant a lemon tree on a Monday and expect to make lemonade on the next day on a Tuesday.
But you WOULD know that by planting the seed and providing the proper nurturing, that it's absolutely going to grow lemons eventually. You don't know the exact day or time... you just KNOW.
This is the exact way the manifestation process works.
The seed is the THOUGHT and the moment you doubt it, you rip your roots from the ground, you dehydrate the desire... and even though it already existed as a seed and it was starting the process of bloom, you delayed the physical gratification by impatience.
Most people think of manifestation like a chore, similar to the way we make our bed everyday. It happens without intention, it's something we just check-off and we hope to do it everyday but sometimes it just doesn't get done.
But instead, manifestation methods should be FUN... they should LIGHT YOU UP. It should be what you look forward to.
If it was fun, would you be more consistent? The answer is yes.
If it was PROMISED that you could have everything you desire so long as you consistently connected to your manifestation method - would you show up? Would you prioritize raising your frequency?
I will leave you with this - you are the driver. You get to decide. You are also the gardener and you get to plant the seeds... but it's also your responsibility to nurture them as you ALLOW them to grow. You can't force a flower to bloom... the same as you cannot force your manifestations into reality.
You can only fiercely believe.
The one thing you can do to release your doubt in manifestation?
Suspend your energetic disbelief and fully adopt the understanding that by thought and energy alone, you can ultimately create your entire reality.