The power of working on your mindset can transform your entire life.
Every single limiting belief that you hold is actually an untapped revenue stream!
So, the good news is - if you have a ton of limiting-beliefs, you could turn them all into MASSIVE wealth!
Without getting too anatomy-ish and science-y on ya, just know that the section of your brain that is problem-solving, decision making and action-taking ALSO holds the belief of what is possible for you and naturally, it is very limited.
Before you continue reading, I challenge you to open your mind and your heart while discovering the potential. Your mind is going to want to doubt what is actually possible due to the fact that it has no physical proof. Recognize that and lovingly overcome.
When we proactively tap into a wider perspective using our belief system, magic happens. Truly.

Before we get to that part; here are some ways that your mindset is currently blocking you from wealth...
1. After you experience lack of success you think "It must be my strategy, I need a better strategy"
These thoughts will start to sound like "I must not know what I am doing" or "I bet if I had more followers that I would've been more successful, it's my lack of followers"
✨ Shift your thought process. Instead, expand on those particular thoughts and dig deeper. Ask yourself in the depths of your being, "why do I believe that my strategy is weak?" and keep going until you find the real answer. Chances are, it will come down to you not *trusting* yourself or the process in general.
Sometimes these blocks are so deep in our being that we don't even know what is there. Once we can recognize them and release them, we can open the door for unlimited success.
It may sound silly but it won't make sense until you do the work
My friend, if you have a money block, you have a success block. Which is actually a block toward making positive impact in this lifetime. EEEEEEEK!
Ok, so how does THIS ONE show up?
Take a moment to close your eyes and ask yourself, how do you feel about receiving $10k? What comes up when you ask this?
Perhaps, you are afraid of how you will be perceived (by others) and how that would make you feel. Maybe you think by becoming rich yourself, that others will feel bad about themselves.
✨ The shift is to ponder on the thought of, what if you were able to make impact on OTHERS, due to earning a high amount of money? What if that was the way you viewed this?
For example, you get excited about the potential of your program/ product being able to help EVERYBODY and their mom.
If this is the case, then ask yourself, who do you help? What comes up?
Before you start to answer with "I help women that are ages 35-45 of any ethnicity but also make less than $4k each month..."
^ you will feel stuck... if that is how you answered, then you don't know how to help them or serve them.
You aren't creating offers and products that help a TYPE of person. You are helping the person with a particular PROBLEM.
By thinking otherwise, you are blocking your success.
✨ Shift your thought process. It's more about the type of transformation you can provide.
What type of "afterlife" (post your offer/ program) do you provide?
When you ask the question "who do you help" the answer is full of their deepest desires that they crave.
I hear this one ALL. THE. TIME.
A lot of us are challenged by showing up on social media and showing ourselves. It feels more like violation than it does vulnerability.
But we also feel like it's hard to be vulnerable.
✨ Shift your thought process. Social media platforms (at their core) are infinite resources of being able to help a floodgate of never-ending people.
Do you resonate with any of those thoughts? Are any of those thoughts deep inside of you but sometimes don't fully surface?
Let me remind you that 90% of success comes from addressing our mindset blocks and tapping into mindset mastery and only 10% comes from strategy and action.
Also inside of the 90% is the messaging, the impact and the actual desire to help the exact person that needs you the most (your ideal client).
Mindset blocks can show up many different ways. It doesn't feel clear until we do the work of asking ourselves; where do I feel resistance?
Resistance can look and feel like the tightening of your body, the closing of your heart.
The next step is, if you can acknowledge your blocks exist, your thought process becomes; there is self-navigating to go through and this is awesome!
When it comes to your wealth expansion through your online business you are either creatively driven, meaning what you CREATE lights you up and brings massive fulfillment.
Or you deeply desire wanting to help people. You can also be both!
We must first get CRYSTAL CLEAR on the desire you hold.
Thoughts such as;
I want a successful business, but why?
Because I want to trust my ability, but why?
Because I want to feel proud of myself, but why?
Because with all of that, I wouldn't have to worry about my bank account anymore, but why?
Because then I could also go on vacation whenever I want, but why?
Because honestly, life would just be easier, more fun, more fulfilling and enjoyable. PERIOD.
You get to the core of the desire which is, I opened a business and I desire a life of ease, fulfillment and joy.
Put your ultimate WHY on a sticky note. Because ultimately, the foundational purpose provides a better than feeling for you.
The foundational purpose is going to deter your blocks.
Instead of continuously stating "I want $10k, $20k, etc months" you are stating your true purpose.
And thus, you navigate away from feelings like you don't trust yourself, constantly worrying about when the next sale is coming in, constantly living in indecisiveness and "who am I to even desire this".
It's not your fault that you have mindset blocks or ugly thoughts.
Nobody taught us how to navigate our subconscious in school. Nobody taught us that we carry around generational stories, unrealized pressure and that we actually hold the power to change it all.
But here's the thing, when you know better, you do better - you can change it.
You can step into your power and alter your entire life by just shifting your thought process.
Maybe you think you are supposed to struggle, life is supposed to hard... but it's not.
Instead, you get to choose.
Here's the next piece, what if every time you showed up and stepped into your power, someone else gained permission to change? Would that motivate you?
Focus on filtering POSITIVITY, bring in WINS and see every small good thing as a BIG good thing. "WOOHOO I JUST HIT MY 2ND GREEN LIGHT IN A ROW" Type of vibe.
Where energy goes, energy flows.
xo, Chan