Remove these SIX words from your vocabulary to live a more abundant life

Ready for a detox?

Often times, we are completely unaware of what comes out of our mouth. Mostly, we use simple terms and phrases simply due to who we spent time with as children. We speak the way we were raised and most of us don't take the time to observe how our daily language makes massive impact on our lives - whether that be positive or negative impact.

If you are reading this, removing these 6 words will cut generational ties and change the direction of your life, forever. Instead of seeking massive breakthroughs with one action-step, it's these simple shifts that lead to a major shift.

Perhaps you have lived in a lineage of limitations and you can't fully understand why you keep finding yourself in the situations and circumstances you are in. Today is when we make change.

The power that your language and vocabulary holds is insane. Additionally, the courage to say "it stops with me" is even more powerful.

The 6 words to remove from your vocabulary and why:

Let's rewrite your story,  put you in the main character type of energy and no longer let the past version of you dictate your future.

By continuing to use these 6 words, you are inserting yourself as the victim in your story. It's counterproductive to live in the victim mentality, but it's also easy to fall into. Simply becoming aware of it will help you realize why it's so important to change.

Follow me for more on IG @chandlerleeco

First, I want to honor you for where you are in your life journey.  You're doing GREAT! This life consists of so many highs and lows and I am proud of you for making it this far. We know one thing is for certain - change is the only constant and growth is your choice.

Let's dive in to the vocab detox, shall we?

1. "Try"

This word is NOT empowering. You might think "I am trying to be better" or "I am trying to get to the goal" but trying energetically means "I might not get there"

Instead, substitute in "I am doing it..." or "I am working on it" which is a definitive choice. By making this shift, you are telling your inner being, "I am ready for abundance and I welcome it". 

2. "Have to" / "Need to" / "Must"

These words create a story of longing to do something. This includes an unnecessary pressure and a vibe of desperation. "If I don't do this, then something bad will happen." These words are actually rooted in fear and removing you completely from expansive energy. 

Instead, use "I've decided to" or "I've been called to" or "I GET to" which is honoring your experience and showing yourself respect.

3. "Should" / "Could" / or "Would"

Again, an idea of pressure. Energy of lack of trusting ourselves and trying to show up as someone else.

Instead, as stated previously, use phrases such as "I get to" or "I am prioritizing ____".

4. "Always" / "Never"

The subconscious mind takes in millions times more information per second compared to the conscious mind. The in between mind is consistently looking into the subconscious to delete, distort and generalize the information it holds. The in between takes from the subconscious and shares with the conscious to allow you perspective. Thus, why it's so important to nurture your subconscious every single day. By generalizing the information with "always" and "never", we are making it really hard on our inner being to distinguish the truth.

You are projecting a generalized scenario without new information to state it otherwise.

Without these words, you will lift an extreme weight off your inner being.

Instead, add in words of what is possible and bring light to what is true. For example instead of "I always _____" use something like, "I understand that sometimes _____ but I can bring solutions to _____" This is going to allow for new emotion to enter the subconscious and therefore create new action which most likely will allow you to progress positively.

5. "But"

We use this as a statement placeholder in between emotions which diminishes the power of the first statement and adds more power to the secondary statement.

For example; "I want to do this but, I don't know how" this gives all the power to the "I don't know how" and removes complete power from "I want to do this". 

Instead, use the word "and" to sound like this, "I want to do this and I don't know how." This is giving power to BOTH the before statement and the secondary statement, which leads to, "I will find out how".

6. "Can't"

This word is THE WORST because it isn't true. There is a way. By stating "I can't" do something, you are taking away all of your power... and as main characters, we don't do that.

Instead, use "I am choosing not to" and reclaim your power.

Do a detox! Remove these words from your lingo. Focus on one at a time and watch your life unfold for the better.

Better yet, share this with a loved one and set the boundary of calling each other out (with love) when you hear each other use these words that ultimately diminish your power and negatively affect your energy.

It's all about deciding. Once you make the choice, it's main character energy baby.


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