Do you need a little pep-talk from Coach Deion Sanders, AKA Coach Prime?

I love football season for many reasons. But some of the top reasons are:
- My husband won’t be bored anymore and keep repeating “there’s nothing on TV”
- Football means → fall, which means → birthday month (libra season), which means → colder weather, cozy clothes, candles and the best time of the year being upon us!
- INSPIRATION. Athletes are DIFFERENT, man. (biased because I was one lol) I love watching the underdogs, the champions and just the PASSION.
Let me mention a person that is undeniably DIFFERENT; Coach Deion Sanders. Look him up and listen to some of his short clip videos and you are GUARANTEED to feel better and want more. I LOVE THAT!
Related Post:6 Secrets to Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
But specifically I wanted to show you a quote by him (that my mom actually sent me):
“Success is not by accident... It’s hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you’re doing or learning to do.”
Now, instead of reading that and thinking “ugh, that is so good and so true” - ask yourself these things that came straight from a pep-talk from Coach Deion Sanders:
- Am I working hard at my current project? (not necessarily the amount of time you put in, but the focus you put towards the project)
- Are you persevering? Chances are, you have encountered challenges, road blocks, etc - have you continued on despite wanting to give up?
- Are you continuously learning? The MOST SUCCESSFUL people in the world are always learning. They never seem to “know it all” - how are you expanding your knowledge?
- Are you studying? This can be done in both your craft AND your personal development. WHAT ARE YOU READING?!
- Are you sacrificing? Now, this one is tricky and I tote the line of being canceled by some of y’all that are too dang sensitive lol but sacrifice is required. Hate to break it to ya. Sacrifice might look like; waking up early and sacrificing sleeping in, staying in on Fridays instead of going out to party, shopping a bit less to save up money to put into your business… What are you “sacrificing” right now?!
- Lastly, ARE YOU ENJOYING WHAT YOU’RE DOING?! This is arguably the most important but oftentimes the most misunderstood. Here’s why; most people will quit the second they aren’t “having fun”. You gotta see this from a big picture perspective - is what you’re doing LIGHTING you up 75% of the time. I am willing to bet that you do some things inside your business that you absolutely dislike… but otherwise, are you loving what you get to do?!
I hope you ponder on those things and really take a step back and analyze what you spend your time doing. If you are missing the mark on these, CHANGE UP! It’s never too late.