Let's talk about the 5 reasons to create and launch your own online course.
I get it, you probably feel overwhelmed by just the THOUGHT of creating an online course. You don't think you're tech savvy enough, you don't know what topic you'd teach on, and heck... you definitely don't think you have enough followers to sell to - so, why even consider an online course?
I left a near six figure network marketing business behind to start my own online business in which I create and sell my own online courses. It took me a lot of time and effort to understand the best method to creating impactful courses but also, the marketing behind it all.
Listen Linda, it's time to stop avoiding some uncomfy zones and tap into a life that you have always dreamt of and I am here to tell you (as living proof) that THE WAY is through building out an online course. Whether you already own a business or you don't have a business (yet), this is still for you.

I am going to share with you the five reasons that you need to create and launch your own online course;
- Time Freedom
- Life Changing Fulfillment
- Uncapped Income
- Working smarter versus harder & initiating passive income
- Accomplishing a life goal of human progression
The only thing I need you to answer "yes" to is this: do you ever feel like you are meant for more but have no clue what that thing really is? Okay, now that I know for a FACT that you should be reading this blog post... let's waste no time and just dive right on in, shall we?!
The 5 reasons you need to create and launch your own online course
I am not going to be fluffy because I hate when I read a blog like this that seems like by the title it'll change my life... and then it's full of fluff. Instead, I will shoot you straight and get right to the facts.
1. Freedom type of feeling
You won't ever catch me saying "balance" because I've tried the whole balance thing and it gets me nowhere but the couch. I don't believe in that. I believe there is grind involved, if you want to go places. BUT, with an online course there is actually a light at the end of the grind tunnel. You see, it's going to be work up front... creating a course (one that is good at least) is no small feat. BUT ONCE IT'S CREATED?! Sheesh. Let the money flooooowwwwwww.
Imagine you create an online course (maybe it has 3 modules), you get some students enrolled, you earn some extra cash flow and it provides you the momentum you need to keep you going
2. Life-Changing
I don't only mean is this going to change YOUR life... but, you will be able to change the lives of others. Hear me out - I was actually a SCHOOL TEACHER (7th grade science) for 2 years. I know the power of changing lives and making impact. But I also know that changing lives alone, with no strong income, isn't what we ultimately want. I do believe that humans are designed to help each other.
Like, full-heartedly I believe in that so much. I believe your life will be 110% better when you can experience HELPING other people. THIS ALLOWS YOU TO DO THAT! It doesn't matter what the heck-n-bob your topic is... travel, real estate, health and fitness, fashion, dog training, cake making, shucks idk... the point is, you are going to make IMPACT and touch people that you otherwise would never reach. That brings you FULFILLMENT.
3. No Ceilings / Passive Income
So, I told y'all I was a school teacher before... I have now been in the corporate space for YEARS and here is one thing that I absolutely HATE; you can be the BEST at your job, do extra work, have an incredible attitude... and STILL you are (in most salaried positions) only likely to get a chance at a pay raise one time per year. WTF! Life is short, you guys. Imagine having the opportunity to make uncapped income?! Imagine "the limit does not exist" (#meangirls). It's REAL and REAL people are doing it - so, why not you, my friend?
Inside my trainings, you will also be taught how to price your offerings in a way that feels GOOD and not scammy!
4. Work Smarter, Not Harder
I love the idea of an online business being built around online courses because once your course is up and running - once it's live and you know that it generates results for your people... THEN YOU GET TO DO NOTHING BUT JUST CHAT ABOUT IT! The work is done. You aren't repeating the same ole tasks day in and day out... you are actually working SMARTER. Say buh-bye to the dang hamster wheel for good.
5. Human Progression
I once had a mentor that used "human progression" in place of "self development" and I fell in love with this term. Human Progression; meaning that as a human - you continuously improve. You don't just "develop" but you GET BETTER and you move forward. You progress. Creating and offering a course is going to challenge you. In many many ways. You are going to question so much about yourself and what you have to offer that ultimately, you are going to do 1 of 2 things. You will either 1) quit all together because your inner critic won, or 2) you will get strong af in your mindset and your belief in yourself and you will quite literally take over the world (dramatic, but that's legit how it feels when you conquer your inner critic and do nothing but move forward).
In conclusion
Okay, at the end of the day - you have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. I have created multiple courses while working a full-time corporate job, while moving into my first home and while planning my wedding. The only thing I haven't done is do it all with a kid - but, hopefully soon (hehe). You gotta stop making excuses, you gotta love yourself enough to pour time into this. You gotta be mentally tough enough to be a beginner and feel lost af at first... it's hard, coming from a fellow control-freak. BUT MAN, IS IT WORTH IT!
Check out my blog post on how to get everything you want out of this life with just 7 easy steps!
The industry of online education (aka online courses) is expected to be a several hundred BILLION industry in the next few years. That means there is room for you to come in and make some moves. You can do this!