There are 3 things that could totally increase the success in your online business.
In the world of working for ourselves (AKA Entrepreneurship) we always see “success” and immediately think; revenue, growth and innovation. However, before we can have THOSE things, we must master these 3 things.
We often overlook the health of the business owner.
I started an online business after seeing success in Network Marketing and making the decision to go all-in on my own offers and programs. I love what I get to do with my online business but sometimes I found that I put it before a few things and due to that, I lost some of my love for showing up.

Want to know how I cracked the code on working a full-time job and also starting a business that brings in 4-figures monthly?
In this post I am going to dive into the three things that you NEED to include in your life as an online business owner to skyrocket your success;
- Setting healthy boundaries, instead of seeking balance
- Prioritizing your mental and physical health
- Not allowing your effort in relationships to be forgotten
Let’s chat about the top 3 reasons why improving yourself (as a human) can lead to more success in your business:
1. Boundaries.
If time is our most valuable resource, then boundaries need to be managed, understood and implemented. Boundaries does NOT mean “shutting out the world” or “having the perfect work-life balance” or “saying no to everything”. Boundaries are also replacing the need for "balance" at all. Balance (especially as a business owner) often times seems impossible, that is why I let it go. Instead, I implement strong boundaries and I stick to them.
Boundaries mean:
- Prioritizing your income producing activities with importance on the deadline (not just staying busy to feel like you’re doing something)
- DELEGATING - is it time to bring in help? Maybe not in your business but what about a housekeeper? Someone to come clean your house once per month, would that save you time and energy?!
- SCHEDULE TIME FOR SELF-CARE AND RELAXATION. Instead of waiting until burnout, schedule time within each week to be “offline” and stick to it.
2. Mental AND Physical.
Mental and physical health are quite literally the foundation to your business’s success. If you are lacking in these areas, chances are your business is hurting or not growing as it should be. You need 'thinking muscles' and strong 'decision making muscles' when operating a business... and those are only formed through taking care of yourself.
- Incorporate regular DAILY movement. Set a goal of 20-30 mins a day. Did you know that you can find literally ANY workout on YouTube these days? So, no excuses if the gym is too far or you don’t have the equipment. Search YouTube for “quick bodyweight workout” and you will have THOUSANDS to choose from. Also, a 20 minute walk is truly underrated, get out there and take a deep breath!
- Solitude. I refrain from saying “meditation” anymore because I have learned that a lot of us think meditation is “hard” but being in solitude is actually a form of meditation! Solitude is complete stillness… no phone, no TV, nothing to distract you. Just you and your thoughts and your breath. Aim for AT LEAST 5 mins of this per day, set a timer and go!
- Sleep. It’s not a flex that you can “survive” on 4 hours of sleep. You need 8 hours or else your body is going to hate you and eventually work against you. Prioritize a cool, dark room for sleep. Even better if you stay off your phone 1 hour before bedtime.
Related Post: 7 Steps to getting everything you want
3. Relationships.
Building, strengthening and maintaining the connection with your team, your customers, your partners/spouses, your family and friends… It's crucial. The sad truth is that we will never feel completely fulfilled by our business alone. Remember why you are doing what you are doing? Is it for the money? Is it time freedom? Those things are fantastic but mean nothing without strong relationships around you.
- Communicate openly and honestly. Way easier said than done but let’s work on sharing our thoughts without being emotional. Meaning, pay attention to the inflection in your voice - you may come across mean and not even realize it! This shouldn’t stop you from communicating, it should encourage you to strengthen this muscle.
- Nurture your connections. Actively show interest in others - ask them about their life, remember their upcoming events, be a good FRIEND. People just want to feel heard, at the end of the day. Are you an active listener?
- Show appreciation. Show gratitude. This can be a simple email, a simple text or a simple vocal statement. Don’t let the time go by without showing that you are appreciative.
BONUS: Diet and Nutrition.
This one can be tricky because there is always a new fad, a lot of information that is misconstrued and a lot to pay attention to. I don't know about you but my brain does not operate well without proper nutrition. Not only do I feel sluggish and less-confident but I get TIRED quicker. With that, let’s keep it simple:
- A handful of fruit everyday
- A handful (or more) of veggies everyday
- Consume at least 2 servings of lean protein daily (meaning, not just protein powders or bars but actual lean protein - fish, chicken, turkey, etc)
- Avoid excessive caffeine
- Avoid excessive processed foods (anything FAKE)
- Consume at least 90-100oz of fresh water daily
- Incorporate healthy fats and consciously add these into at least one meal per day (ie. avocado, extra virgin olive oil, walnuts, etc)
This can feel overwhelming but when you know that your business success is directly tied to your well-being, it can be a motivator in itself! Because I took the time to look at my shortcomings while running my business, I now feel GREAT about what I GET to do and I rarely feel close to burnout. I prioritize my boundaries, my mental and physical health and my relationships BEFORE I show up as an entrepreneur.