Application to Join The Takeover
6 months of high-touch transformation

Your Instagram Handle (ie. @chandlerleeco)*
How did you find your way to The Takeover? If referred by someone in particular, share their name.*
What is your soul's work in this world? What is your mission?*
Who do you work with & serve? Who are you here to transform?*
What is your vision for yourself in the next 12 months? (Be dramatic, be ridiculous, be unrealistic - if that feels right) In terms of where your business is headed, what your life looks like, your relationships, your family, your community, your empire, etc.*
What is your current average of monthly income/ revenue?*
What is your 6 month income/ revenue goal?*
What gets you excited about potentially joining Team Takeover and The Takeover experience?*
Where are you most looking forward to receiving coaching and mentorship?*
What gap in your business needs the most improvement?*
Team Takeover is a 6 month high-touch and intimate experience. This group is more than a community, it's family. Please share what you'd bring to this group?*
Anything else you desire to share with Chandler and Team CLCO? Thank you for taking the time & energy... we cannot WAIT to connect with you and get a front row seat to your next big move. We look forward to the opportunity to potentially work together & witness the magic!*

Copyright Chandler Lee Co.