These days, people are more connected to the journey. Which means sometimes, it's messy! While most people feel like they have to always share their biggest accomplishments and all of their accolades... we can do it differently. Think of this post as a post for YOU. Something that you can look back on & feel proud of. Something that when you watch it back, makes you want to cry. It makes you FEEL. We won't be listing everything that you've achieved, we will be telling a story...
It starts with...
1. a comfort zone or an idea that failed or a myth you fell into a trap believing
2. a massive road block or failure (give a real-life example)
3. the thing that changed everything or saved you from yourself
4. a lesson you learned, whether it be painful or a breakthrough moment
5. end with what you take away, how everything changed you for the better, why you're grateful... do NOT end with an achievement
You will build out your story in your notes or on paper, limiting your story to as few words as possible.
Create your video inside CapCut (use prior videos and cut them up).
Add your text-on-screen inside of Instagram and choose an audio that gets people in their feels, one that triggers emotions.