Libra SZN has entered the chat...
Since it's my birthday, I wanted to celebrate TOGETHER!
I am excited to offer some of my fave goodies for the biz babes and their Instagram festivities...
- FULL Instagram Audit + IG Map for you!
[The first 9 people that join both will also get SCROLL STOPPERS added in for FREE]
Here's how it'll go down:
- Once you purchase the IG Audit, you'll get an email from us with an IG Audit form included. The form is going to collect some info on you & your current Instagram presence with some goals you'd like to attain in the near future.
- Once you submit your form back to us, you can expect a full Instagram audit WITH an Instagram Map (content ideas, what to post, how to structure, etc) from Chandler within 7 days! She will come back with a video recording explaining your Map AND a full google document with your IG Map!
- The InstaSTORIES SALES SECRETS is going to be a LIVE program with 3 (or more) masterclasses teaching you how to increase your visibility AND bring in sales through your stories by posting 10 or less stories!
- This program will begin LIVE on October 7th (you will get access to replays and LIFETIME access to the program upon completion)
The Instagram Audit is valued at $999
but since it's a Birthday Celebration & Chandler turns 33 this year...
You can get it TODAY for $133
InstaSTORIES SALES SECRETS will become a self-paced program after it is run live & price will double
but since it's a Birthday Celebration & Chandler turns 33 this year...
You can get it TODAY for $133